Roasted Cherry Tomatoes

I love everything about cherry tomatoes. Their size, flavor, semi-sweet taste and juicy interior all add up for the perfect vegetable snack. They go well in just about everything and as a side, they're not only delicious, they can also add some lovely color to your dish!

The following is a simple cherry tomato side dish. It really couldn't be simpler to prepare. Some my notes and ways to make this your own below:

Make it your own:

  • Use your favorite olive oil here. Whatever flavor you like best in your olive oil, this is the perfect dish to try it out on!

  • I haven't added any herbs to this recipe, but you can certainly add some at the end. It will only enhance the flavor! (Basil comes to mind)

  • If you're already using your oven for your main course and the temperature isn't exactly 400, you can still roast them if the temperature is lower or higher. If it's lower by 25 degrees for example, add five minutes to their roasting time. If it's higher, reduce the time by five minutes. Whatever you do, always check to make sure the tomatoes are right before taking out of the oven.


  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes, either on the vine or off

  • kosher salt to taste

  • 2 tbsp cup good-quality olive oil

  • 2-3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

  • pepper or other herbs (optional)


  1. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. (If you’re using your oven for something else and the temperature is slightly different, then leave as is, and adjust the roasting time as necessary.)

  2. Place tomatoes in a baking dish, whole. You can leave them on or off the vine, according to your preference.

3. Thinly slice your garlic, and scatter over the cherry tomatoes as shown.

4. Pour the olive oil over the tomatoes and garlic, then sprinkle some kosher salt. Put in the oven to roast until the tomatoes are just about bursting (about 15 minutes).

If your oven is around 400 degrees, leave in for 20-25 minutes. Adjust as necessary depending on the temperature of your oven.