April 1st Newsletter

Dear Readers,

Happy Spring! March often feels like a continuation of winter, particularly for us here in frosty New England. Despite the lack of snow and winter weather for which we’re known, the cold still permeates the air. But April is upon us and with it, the start of real spring, flowers budding on trees, and greener grass sprouting from the earth.

There’s something about this time of year that has me clamoring for fresh spring vegetables. Asparagus and artichokes are frequent visitors in my kitchen, as are lemons, peas, and strawberries. If there’s ever a time for fresh salads, it’s springtime where produce is ripe and fresh. But soup season hasn’t entirely ended either. The evenings can still be chilly, demanding something heart-warming.

Along with the start of a new season comes the start of fresh goals. I like to make lofty goals for myself in January, and thankfully those goals haven’t changed for me. But there are new things I want to try, and the beginning of April feels like the perfect time to try them out.

Starting now, my weekly newsletters will be filled not only with cooking advice or new and fun things I’m discovering in the plant-based landscape, but you’ll also have menu recommendations for the week ahead. These may include new recipes that have just been posted, or they may be recommendations for old favorites.

My design has and always will be to make cooking and plant-based eating accessible and fun. I hope these menu items make life easier for some of you that don’t know what to cook next, or that simply need some menu inspiration.

Most of all, I hope you have fun with your April. Dive deep into the spring’s wealth of plant offerings, and I’ll see you next week with some ideas on festive, fun, and delicious eats!



April 7th Newsletter


March 2024 Newsletter